Friday, April 27, 2007

Darma The End

"I turned and knelt on the trail and said "Thank you, shack." Then I added "Blah," with a little grin, becasue I knew that shack and that mountain would understand what that meant, and turned and went on down the trail back to this world" (244)
I liked this quote becasue it was Kerouac who had just went thorught this huge thing and he realizes that he probably will neverlive that again. He knows he has to go back to the real world but dosn't want to, becasue he knows that he will never feel that ever again unles he goes back to the woods. He was sober for a long time and as soon as he re enters society he will go back to his old ways.


"And suddenly I realised I was truly alone and had nothing to do but deed myself and rest and amuse myself and nobody could criticixe. The Little Flowers grew everywhere around the rocks and no one had asked them to grown or me to grow" ( Page 235)
I liked this quote becasue this is sutch a good time for jay, he is living the life he wants to live but isnt able to becasue it is too hard to do in society. In nature he can let go and be who he wants to be. HE can live the lifestyle he wants and not worry about anything else. Beging secluded and doing this is one thing b ut living in society and doing it is another. Jay didn't bring any alchol up to his cabin and as a result he is doing so well, but when the summer is over and he enters society again he will go bacck to his olds ways.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Darma 227

"HE made a soup that night that i shall never forget and was really the best soup i'd eaten since I was a lionized young author in New York eating lunch at the Chambod or Henri Cru;s kitchen. This was nothing but a couple of envelopes of dried pea soup thwon into a pot of water with fied bacon, fat and all, and stirred till boiling. " (207)
this quote i liked, becassue even thought he is rambling on and on aobut this soup its not at all the actual soup that is goood. It's the situation that he loves so much. The fact that he is doing what he loves taht of course makes the soup tast so much better than it actually does, becaseue n reality that soup is probably really bad and horrible but its just what he needs that makes it so good. If it wasnt so cold, the warmth would mean little, if he wasnt so hungry it would taste half as good, IF he wsnt ecactly whare he wanted to be, the soup would be far less enjoyable. ITs not the soup tahts soo good its the moment

Darma 227

"Japhy was all talk this morning. He was like a kid again now that eh was out on the trail" (204 )
I likedd this quote becasue it was alot like what i am writing my paper about for this book, nature vs. society nature always wins whare the sole is concerned. Japhy is happier that he has been recently in the book and he is just plain gitty. and happ y to be outdoors free to feel, say or do whatever he pleases.

Monday, April 23, 2007


"She said ' Ah i don't care, I want to start living." Her fiance had a lot of money" (186)
Japhys sister is the 'she' in this and i jut thought it was funny becasue Japhy thinks of her so hightly and she is alot like him, free spireited and diffrent. Yet she wants what everyone else ddoes and to her being happpy means having money and things and doing not much. Easy and happy are completely diffrent things and thats what people so often forget. Yes, their is somthing nice to the easy life yet its short it gets boring people end up taking depression meds or relaying or alcohal or drugs or anything really but thats not really 'living' in the way she uses it. Ironicly once she starts living that life she will stop really 'living'.

"I got an overwhelming urge to get drunk and feel good" (189)
This is at the beginging of chapter 27 when I really seriously nocticed his drinking problem. HE dosnt want to go to this buddist convention becasue he'd rather get drunk. Kinda ironic really, he lives this buddist lifesytle in order to escape from a lifestyle whare he needs somthing else to make its all good and yet thats what had ended up hapening to him. He really truely needs it and has started to truely relay on it.

150 -171 DARMA

'"Three hundred and sixty days out of the year we get sunshine and my wife just bought a cloths dryer!'" (158)
This was just a funny ironic quote that i liekd becasue this guy is living the typical american life with a wife who wants all these convenences liek a dryer simply because eveyrone else has one. But this guys sees how point blank stupid that is. Theirs enought sun to dry his cloths easily but people just get caugh up in the hectecness or society and forget.. point blank forget common sence. its stupid but so true, people jsut see things not the effects or how the things got to be these things but they want them without knowwing anything else it looks good at first sight. but look again and you see a diffrent view

"The whole trip had been as swift and as enlightening as a dream and i was back" (161)
I think that this is bull shit Keroake thinks that he has acheived enlightenment but he never really does all this stuff hes doing. i think is just a way for him to feel like hes diffrent from society and make him feel batter about what hes doing. When really he still feels that pain and needs alcohol to numb it. this guy knows as much about as enlightenment as i do.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"I felt free and therefore I was free" (138)
This is one of those quotes that is so short but every word is so powerfull, stringing together to create a sentance that just makes you stop for a moment and go wow. I dont think me explaining what exactly he means he will help. Half the battle of everything is with youself and in this case proably more than that. Yes, you have to get their yourself to a place whare you know that your doing somthing woth it but then you have to convince youself that you are for it to really be true. The mind does things subconsiouly but when you bring it to the point whare you are concious is when it becomes a truth.

Darma 120-149

"And he has a nice home in Ohio with wife, daughter, Christmas tree, two cars, garage, lawn, lawnmower, but he coul't enjoy any of it because he really wasn't free. It was sadly true. It didn't mean i was a better man than he was, however, he was a great man andd I likeed him and he liked me and said 'Welll I'll tell you, supposin I drive you all the way to Ohio'" (page 129)
I liked this quote becasue its an example of someone living a suburban, american lifestyle that has convinced himself he is happy to the point of thinking he really it. He says right befor the quote how he is licing the good life, doing what he needs to do to make money, but he says somthing along the lines of 'nows whos smart, you or me?' because he works so much and yhes he makes way more money that Kerouac but he dosnt get to enjoy any of it becuse he is working so much that its just sitting in his house collecting dust. His cars, lawn family, or house are all just sitting their. He has worked very hard for all of those things but isint truely free enoought to enjoy them. Its not that he unhappy its that he isnt happy.

notes for my hippie folk

• No leaders
• No actual orgnization
• Believe in
o Non violence
o Community building
o Alturitive lifestyle (gap)
o Take care of the the earth
o Peace and love
• Uses the term family

• Gatherings
o Camp out
o Fair
o Support group
o Theatre
o Are in a effort to grow, learn, celebrate, and become one with other human beings
o Native american influence, along with hindu/Buddhist < terms
" I smiled; I didnt say anything. He was a great coluble bum, and a bum who didnt drink, he was an idealistic hoboa and said 'That;s all there is to it, thats what i like to do, I rather hop freights around the country and cook my food out of tin cans over wood fires than be rich and how a home or work" (117-118)
This quote i know what i love it. This is the guy we should all really be this is a guy who is happy, who dosnt how to resurt to drugs, or alcohol or sex to be happy either, he just is. Hes doing it dilibritly, He knows this isnt the life that anyone wants to have growing up and hes knows it not 'ideal' or excepted by society. But hes happy and to him thats all that matters and when you get down to it. strip life of everything but the bare essientials thats what really matters. Are you happy? not how much money do you have? or what have you done iwth your life? Who gives a damn if you end up with that hallow void. The void that is their for my guess is 99% of the people in this world and its not nessisarly a bad feeling i dont think. The problem is its not a good one. It dosn't lift you up and make you feel like you doing somthing worth wild, for you. And for this guy its travilling its seeing the world and what it has to offer studieing society and it changes and happits and lifestyles. And at the end of the day really being what you want to be. The bum is AMZING.

Darma 94-120

"I didn't want to have anthing to do, really, either with Japhy's ideas about society (I figured it would be better just to avoid it altogether, walk around it) or with any or Alvah's ideas about grasping after life as much as you can becasue of its sweet sadness and becasue you would be ddead some day" (106)
I know why this stood out to me beacuse to me it relates back to our disucstion yesterday in class but I am having troubles quite wrapping my head around it. In the text befor this quote Kerouac is talking about going to a place of solitude and in a sence escaping, but not openly addmitting thats what hes doing. He says he wants to pray. Then I read the quote above and I dont think it was really all about praying, I think honestly he was starting to feel that void and subconsiouly realized that and wanted to do somthing about it. Society and Japhys ideas aobut it scares him and its easier to get away than to simply confront it. Although what confronting it really means is another story. And he probably dosn't know how anymore than i do. And I quess he sorta is by writing about it. But at the same time isn't becasue of what hes writing. He knows somthings going on, but dosnt know what to do with that truth. His solution: get away.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Darma 49-72

"'Is like Zen. Dont think. Just dance along. It's the easiest thing in the world, actuall easier than walking on flat ground which in monotonous. the cute little problems present themselves at each step and yet you never hesitate and you find youself on some other boulder you pciked out for no speacial reason at all just like Zen' Which it was" (page 66-650
This was a cool quote to me beacus it descrimed to me that feeling of running down a really steep hill with tons of roots in the middle of the woods, much like the cross country trails behind proctor. That feeling that you cant control youself and you just trust you instincts and go, yes you could fall and in that instance the fall would probably be really bad, but the secont you start to think aobut it is when you mess up. Its when you jsut trust youself going so fast that you cant contol it ttaht it seems to work outl. And this quote described it so clossly it is liek Zen that feeling of just going and trusting youself.

Darma 49-72

"Gross gows out between crowded rocks and boulder; distanct sweeps of scree ccan be seen making gashes down the sides of the morning" (page 54)
The whole paragraph this was in stood out for me but it was too long to but it was too long to put as a quote so i chose this becasue it has such great imagery. I can picture it and it sounds like a nice place to be. I think to write anything you first need to write somthing. Write that somthing clear the way Jack Kerouak does in that exert. Becaous he can write somthing in fount of him so well i think that makes writing about ideas, conceptions and situations a lot easier and frankly much better. And writing with such imagery makes it much more enjoyable to to read becasue the reader can picute it clearly in their mind. PEACE RL

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dharma 24-49

"We sighed when we saw the huge amounts of junk he wanted to take on the climb even canned goods, and besides his rubber air matters a whole lot of pickax and whatnot equipment we'd really never need"
This reminded me of the materialism of our present world. Buying things to make ourselvs feel better evan though they wont. This guys is supposed to be going agesnt the current. but he is still going with the current by being so materialistic. He has a pickaxe evan though he wont evan need it just like our excess or furniture or clothing or jewlry we have to many excesses things. Just like he has to many excess camping things but becasue its camping things its a little diffrent so hes rebellious but in his rebellion hes an conformist, its sorta ironic/

Darma 24-49

"'Dont you think it's much more interesting just to be like Japhy and have girls and studies and good times and really be doing somthing that all this silly sitting under trees?'
'Nope,' I said and meant it, and i knew Japhy would agre with me, "All JAphy's doing is amuzing himself in the void'" (page 33)
This quote stood out about becasue it was talking about the void. That void that we all feel somtimes that society gives us. That we dont consiously realize is their but it is. That "good times" and "girls" are just our attempts to fill that void. Becasue its easier to fill it and Japhy is conciously doing that he knows he has the void but he also knows that eh wants it to be filled and that. People try to push aside that void and do other things instead like drinking or girls or drugs or somthing that fills the void for a moment but just for that moment because the void is one that cant be filled with material things.

Darma 1 -28

“I cooked hot-dogs on freshly cut and sharpened sticks over the coals of a big wood fire, and heated a can of beans and a can of cheese macaroni in the redhot hollows, and drank my newly baought wine and exulted in one of the most pleasant nights of my life.”
(Darma bumns page 7)
I loved this quote because to me it shows the paradox of the 1950s. Heres this guys living in different places everyday eating essentially crap with nothing that sticks in this life, and yet he is really truly happy. While the guy a mile away is with his family in a nice house in suburbia with everything perfect and he’s so unhappy. And Yet to everyone else he has the perfect life and the guy on the beach is the bumn and yet which one is happy. It’s the one on the beach living on nothing.


“It esd s local and I intended to sleep on the beach at Santa Barbara that night and carch either another local to San Luis Obsipo and the next morning por the firstc;ass freight all the way to San Fransosco at seven p.m. Somewhere near Camarillo where Charlie Parker’d been mad and relaxed back to normal health, a thin old little bum climbed into my gondola as we headed into sidding to give a train right of way and looked surprised to see me there.” (darma Bumns page 3-4)
I liked this quote because it mimicked what we were talking about in class. The whole dropping out idea. This guy isint living with regrets like so many people in the fifties . This guy dosnt live in suburbia with a wife and children going to work but really just living unhappily this guys is doing exactly what everyone else isn’t doing.l He is living day to day instead of pay check to pay check. Hes hopping trains and living sparingly but he seems happy with it.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Are these Actual Miles?2

“ ‘Go ahead,’ she says thickly. She stands there swaying. Then she makes a noise and lunges, batches his shirt, tears it down the front. ‘Bankrupt!’ she screams. She twists loose, grabs and tears his undershirt at the neck. ‘You son of a bitch,’ she says clawing.”
(page 589 Are these actual Miles?)
This quote is cool because it the truth. She isn’t hiding behind and façade she is upset. Earlier in the book she is so calm and collected while Leo is the one who is freaking out the whole time but here she is being honest, mostly because she’s drunk but it’s a real moment. A moment of the hurt and pain she has been feeling the last few months but she clearly hasn’t been able to let it out under normal circumstances. Like so many people she has gotten caught up in normalcy living life like her happy and ‘normal’ but like everyone she isn’t and has suddenly been thrown in this problem but doesn’t know how to react, so like so many people she has turned to alcohol to hide her pain and with it she can voice her true opinions where sober she was not brave enough to. Here she is mad and hurt in a world or seemingly happy people and that’s what makes it real.

Are these actual Miles?

“They gorged on good. He figures thousands on luxury items alone. Toni would go to the grocery and put in everything she saw. “I had to do without when I was a kid,” she says.”
(Page 586 Are These actual Miles?)
I like this quote because I think we have seen a lot of stuff that happens in the fifties that we mimic today and this is one of them. People use credit to buy what they want but they don’t think about the actual end result of their actions they seem to think that they wont have to pay for it in the end but it is barrowed money. And that’s how these people got into the financial trouble that they did just as we do today. And this was just one of the examples mentioned in the book they also talked about buying a lot of books on credit and a puppy who later got run over. It seems like a void is being needed to be filled with these material things in the fifties that is present to the world today. I think that the slope of materialism started to really take off in the fifties and today we see the result of that.