Monday, May 21, 2007

"your upwardly mobile lfie game that promises you to gain your true identity throught the acquisition of someones else's property, usually lower than you"(161)

I thought this was kind of iroic because its a game show that is promising all these things but really all of them are unrealistic in the first place. I though this quote was funny becasue it is a game shwo the "promises you to gain your true identity" i dont think anything has the right to promis this let alone a game show.

chile verte up to page 151

"We are all writing poetry. thats it. Poems wiht one hang on the chin. Poems with the left hand, clawlike, clutching the news. Poems with the mouth open for many more pretzels. Poems with the frontal image stepping and stuttering away form the mind" (141)

I liek this becaue it was talking aobut liek like 10 people in the cafe or wharever he was jusat writing their poems but really the poems werent really importent it was the fact that hey weren treally writing it. They were writing what sounds good and whats nice becasue the were or wanted to be "writers" not becasue what they had to say was importent or shoiuld be said but becasue they wanted to fit in the with imgage.

chile verte up to page 151

"You take verytthing here, everything you can from Tortilla flats except one thing, yourself, this you leave at the steps of the local mackine entrance way, the local mechanic displaces, tiem stepp and bend. "( 137)

I liked this quote becaue itshows how often we forget oruselves in everdyay life. we keep learning in changing that rarly anthing or very little actually stick with us and by the end we are not the same person we started as. and people leavingt the hometowns and their roots so often and forget themselves their andd leave themselves their becasue the places as negitive beginings for them

chile verte up to page 130

"MArgarita prays
for her 22-year-old brother, Ricky-
run over, late night, by a full truch
Next to 7/11

Sometimes, from a small envelope
she pulls out his broken bones,

or she finds his torn fingers
at the bottom of a cup of coffee"

This quote remeinds me of how after something huge happens you cna find sadness in small places. Doing everyday things without giving them a sounddt thoguh and then somthing liek that hits you"at the bottom of a cup of coffee" And this quote jsut struck me as ridiculously sad. And thats why it stuck out abecasue it so sad and so real and shwos how saddness can relaly take over your life at soem points

chile verte up to page 130

"But you stayed true to form when you denied a contract for your next book wihtout writing a single page. 'I didnt't want that kinda of pressure on myhead,' you said. Orale, carnal, treue to form. ( 115)

I liked this quote becasue it shows how the real writer doesnt write for the money or the publishee but for himself. IT is talking aobut Victor who is such a good writier and whose book jsut got enough press so that he could get a contract to print his new book wihtout even writing down a single word of it. Its a really intresting and impressesive trade becasue thats not what its aobut for him. for him he jsut want to write to wtire no for he moeny.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

up to 105 chile verte

"Power from organizations, assembles,
collectives, instiutions. Perphaps here the question is,
do we quality?

that seems to be the question
most of our instiutions ask today.

do you quality, do you meet our critieria.
do you have proper papers,beliefs, ideologies
shape, form, values, language, affilliation?"

This quote stuck out because it takes the immigration process and really just shows everything that is wrong with it. The idea what you have to qualify for being a citizen, you have to have alllthese diffrent things. but what about the people who dont? are they any worse? Do these people not deserve the life that we have? If we take only the elite from foreight countries what are they left with? How do they grow?

up to 105 chile verte

"Battles missions random, intersections, chaos, time and culture boosters, explosions; I want writing to caontian all this because we contain all this" (94)

I feel like this quote explains his writing, becasue his writing isint the polished finished, nice sounding writing like most writiers, but it is real. Its staigh and its forward, its chaos. But like he says thats what we are too. It mimics the way he works and the way he thinks and by reading it you can get a glimps inside his head. Not just a few select thoughts that were worthy of writing down on paper but everything, evan the stuff that doesnt really matter, its still their because its importent to him to make it real. Becasue in reality not everyone can write to make things sound good but everyone thinks this way and its a way of connecting to the reader.