Thursday, March 29, 2007

The PErsistence of Desire

"'Where could I get a drink of water?” he asked plaintively, assuming the hunch and whine of a blind beggar. In truth, he had without knowing it, become thirsty”
This quote stood out to me in the story because it come at such a time of disappointment and right after is climax of seeing his ex lover for the first time in so long. I think that when he admits that he truly thirsty the author is not refereeing to water he is referring to the thirst he know has for the this life that Janet reminds him off. Asking for water was clearly just a cover up for why he was out of his room but the thirst he is refereeing to came at too much of an ironic moment to just mean water. He admits he is happy in life but he realizes that desire is what drives him. He misses this woman that he once had but is now out of his reach. But people always seem to want what they cant have.

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