"your upwardly mobile lfie game that promises you to gain your true identity throught the acquisition of someones else's property, usually lower than you"(161)
I thought this was kind of iroic because its a game show that is promising all these things but really all of them are unrealistic in the first place. I though this quote was funny becasue it is a game shwo the "promises you to gain your true identity" i dont think anything has the right to promis this let alone a game show.
Monday, May 21, 2007
chile verte up to page 151
"We are all writing poetry. thats it. Poems wiht one hang on the chin. Poems with the left hand, clawlike, clutching the news. Poems with the mouth open for many more pretzels. Poems with the frontal image stepping and stuttering away form the mind" (141)
I liek this becaue it was talking aobut liek like 10 people in the cafe or wharever he was jusat writing their poems but really the poems werent really importent it was the fact that hey weren treally writing it. They were writing what sounds good and whats nice becasue the were or wanted to be "writers" not becasue what they had to say was importent or shoiuld be said but becasue they wanted to fit in the with imgage.
I liek this becaue it was talking aobut liek like 10 people in the cafe or wharever he was jusat writing their poems but really the poems werent really importent it was the fact that hey weren treally writing it. They were writing what sounds good and whats nice becasue the were or wanted to be "writers" not becasue what they had to say was importent or shoiuld be said but becasue they wanted to fit in the with imgage.
chile verte up to page 151
"You take verytthing here, everything you can from Tortilla flats except one thing, yourself, this you leave at the steps of the local mackine entrance way, the local mechanic displaces, tiem stepp and bend. "( 137)
I liked this quote becaue itshows how often we forget oruselves in everdyay life. we keep learning in changing that rarly anthing or very little actually stick with us and by the end we are not the same person we started as. and people leavingt the hometowns and their roots so often and forget themselves their andd leave themselves their becasue the places as negitive beginings for them
I liked this quote becaue itshows how often we forget oruselves in everdyay life. we keep learning in changing that rarly anthing or very little actually stick with us and by the end we are not the same person we started as. and people leavingt the hometowns and their roots so often and forget themselves their andd leave themselves their becasue the places as negitive beginings for them
chile verte up to page 130
"MArgarita prays
for her 22-year-old brother, Ricky-
run over, late night, by a full truch
Next to 7/11
Sometimes, from a small envelope
she pulls out his broken bones,
or she finds his torn fingers
at the bottom of a cup of coffee"
This quote remeinds me of how after something huge happens you cna find sadness in small places. Doing everyday things without giving them a sounddt thoguh and then somthing liek that hits you"at the bottom of a cup of coffee" And this quote jsut struck me as ridiculously sad. And thats why it stuck out abecasue it so sad and so real and shwos how saddness can relaly take over your life at soem points
for her 22-year-old brother, Ricky-
run over, late night, by a full truch
Next to 7/11
Sometimes, from a small envelope
she pulls out his broken bones,
or she finds his torn fingers
at the bottom of a cup of coffee"
This quote remeinds me of how after something huge happens you cna find sadness in small places. Doing everyday things without giving them a sounddt thoguh and then somthing liek that hits you"at the bottom of a cup of coffee" And this quote jsut struck me as ridiculously sad. And thats why it stuck out abecasue it so sad and so real and shwos how saddness can relaly take over your life at soem points
chile verte up to page 130
"But you stayed true to form when you denied a contract for your next book wihtout writing a single page. 'I didnt't want that kinda of pressure on myhead,' you said. Orale, carnal, treue to form. ( 115)
I liked this quote becasue it shows how the real writer doesnt write for the money or the publishee but for himself. IT is talking aobut Victor who is such a good writier and whose book jsut got enough press so that he could get a contract to print his new book wihtout even writing down a single word of it. Its a really intresting and impressesive trade becasue thats not what its aobut for him. for him he jsut want to write to wtire no for he moeny.
I liked this quote becasue it shows how the real writer doesnt write for the money or the publishee but for himself. IT is talking aobut Victor who is such a good writier and whose book jsut got enough press so that he could get a contract to print his new book wihtout even writing down a single word of it. Its a really intresting and impressesive trade becasue thats not what its aobut for him. for him he jsut want to write to wtire no for he moeny.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
up to 105 chile verte
"Power from organizations, assembles,
collectives, instiutions. Perphaps here the question is,
do we quality?
that seems to be the question
most of our instiutions ask today.
do you quality, do you meet our critieria.
do you have proper papers,beliefs, ideologies
shape, form, values, language, affilliation?"
This quote stuck out because it takes the immigration process and really just shows everything that is wrong with it. The idea what you have to qualify for being a citizen, you have to have alllthese diffrent things. but what about the people who dont? are they any worse? Do these people not deserve the life that we have? If we take only the elite from foreight countries what are they left with? How do they grow?
collectives, instiutions. Perphaps here the question is,
do we quality?
that seems to be the question
most of our instiutions ask today.
do you quality, do you meet our critieria.
do you have proper papers,beliefs, ideologies
shape, form, values, language, affilliation?"
This quote stuck out because it takes the immigration process and really just shows everything that is wrong with it. The idea what you have to qualify for being a citizen, you have to have alllthese diffrent things. but what about the people who dont? are they any worse? Do these people not deserve the life that we have? If we take only the elite from foreight countries what are they left with? How do they grow?
up to 105 chile verte
"Battles missions random, intersections, chaos, time and culture boosters, explosions; I want writing to caontian all this because we contain all this" (94)
I feel like this quote explains his writing, becasue his writing isint the polished finished, nice sounding writing like most writiers, but it is real. Its staigh and its forward, its chaos. But like he says thats what we are too. It mimics the way he works and the way he thinks and by reading it you can get a glimps inside his head. Not just a few select thoughts that were worthy of writing down on paper but everything, evan the stuff that doesnt really matter, its still their because its importent to him to make it real. Becasue in reality not everyone can write to make things sound good but everyone thinks this way and its a way of connecting to the reader.
I feel like this quote explains his writing, becasue his writing isint the polished finished, nice sounding writing like most writiers, but it is real. Its staigh and its forward, its chaos. But like he says thats what we are too. It mimics the way he works and the way he thinks and by reading it you can get a glimps inside his head. Not just a few select thoughts that were worthy of writing down on paper but everything, evan the stuff that doesnt really matter, its still their because its importent to him to make it real. Becasue in reality not everyone can write to make things sound good but everyone thinks this way and its a way of connecting to the reader.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Up to 82 chile verte
"Fast taliing pst-mod existentialists that mean nothing?"
"Loud poets with tiny words"
"A $twenty at the food of the buddha"
(page 73)
this peom was about little subtleties, but little ones in a big way, that drive him crazy. Opposites that are very subtle but very real at the same time. To the average person they dont mean much at all but to someone out their it means everything and drives them crazy. Things that so obviously oppose themselves but never really meatters like a twenty at the foot of the buddha. Thats not what buddism is about but no one thinks twice about it.
"Loud poets with tiny words"
"A $twenty at the food of the buddha"
(page 73)
this peom was about little subtleties, but little ones in a big way, that drive him crazy. Opposites that are very subtle but very real at the same time. To the average person they dont mean much at all but to someone out their it means everything and drives them crazy. Things that so obviously oppose themselves but never really meatters like a twenty at the foot of the buddha. Thats not what buddism is about but no one thinks twice about it.
Up to 82 chile verte
"Maybe its about foriving myself currendering myself, consoling myselft. things are up. I dont know what it is. I am sitter here by a round table, fourth floor, california state univerity, Frensno. Library.& I am taing time out. Punchin Writin lay it out. Flow it out. Say it baby say i. Baby say it!"
([age 65)
this was a cool quote becuse it was in t he moment but it also had meaning to it. It wasnt just writing for writing. It was like he jsut realized this but at the same time it was real. It wasnt romaticizing it at all.He is jsut saying the truth wahre is is and whats going on. But at the same time his realized these things about himselfand things he should do ant that he should be so hard on himself he is jsut making it real and really thinking on paper. But hat dosntment make it bad at all it jsut makes it more realiztic and understanable
([age 65)
this was a cool quote becuse it was in t he moment but it also had meaning to it. It wasnt just writing for writing. It was like he jsut realized this but at the same time it was real. It wasnt romaticizing it at all.He is jsut saying the truth wahre is is and whats going on. But at the same time his realized these things about himselfand things he should do ant that he should be so hard on himself he is jsut making it real and really thinking on paper. But hat dosntment make it bad at all it jsut makes it more realiztic and understanable
up to 58 chile verde
"You are the paper, oyeme, Mamita, you are the words you. Not me. Look at youself put words on paper-You"
I like this becasue he is sating that it is not him who he wis writing for or aobut it is his mother and the stories she told. The things she said, the stories she told and the things she impressed onto her. She is the importent one. HE shouldnt be celebrating as a writer she should be celibrated not him. Because while she didnt write it it was here stories that inspired the writing and the things she said that made it worth writing aobut.
I like this becasue he is sating that it is not him who he wis writing for or aobut it is his mother and the stories she told. The things she said, the stories she told and the things she impressed onto her. She is the importent one. HE shouldnt be celebrating as a writer she should be celibrated not him. Because while she didnt write it it was here stories that inspired the writing and the things she said that made it worth writing aobut.
up to 58 chile verde
"Consider mango truskers"
"Consider the latest reverse discrimination scholorship"
"Consider you daily use of plastics"
"Consider rice as a key subject"
(pages 46 through47)
I like these quotes becasue they are simple and try to get you to understand how racism is a daily routine of so many of us. Maybe not straigh forward racism to the guy next to you but the daily things we do in our life. The stuff we buy, whare we buy it from, who makes it, the diffrence in cultures and our ignorece to other cultures. We never really consisder it and if we do its only for a secont untill we contiue on with our dail events and forget about it. MEans nothng to us, we do it everyday, with actions words or slang, but its never consiously we neverreally give it a secount thought but it still is their.
"Consider the latest reverse discrimination scholorship"
"Consider you daily use of plastics"
"Consider rice as a key subject"
(pages 46 through47)
I like these quotes becasue they are simple and try to get you to understand how racism is a daily routine of so many of us. Maybe not straigh forward racism to the guy next to you but the daily things we do in our life. The stuff we buy, whare we buy it from, who makes it, the diffrence in cultures and our ignorece to other cultures. We never really consisder it and if we do its only for a secont untill we contiue on with our dail events and forget about it. MEans nothng to us, we do it everyday, with actions words or slang, but its never consiously we neverreally give it a secount thought but it still is their.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Up to page 29
"I worry about he day having hours, minutes and seconds"
"I worry about kidergarten teachers whose cloths match"
"I worry aobut artists who emphasize the word visual
I worry aobut Mexicans digging their stereotypes"
these are just a couple lines of the the poem "Dont Worry, Baby" I liked reading it, which dosnt usually happen with poems. I like the rytham and how it was repeditive and each line had a meaning and a deaper meaning inside of that. It was so well thought out and soo random at the same time. I think it combines eliments of both. these were lines that i found perticularly intresting. they sort of poke fun of society but at the same time greaving for it. Its light enough to understand and read but deep enough to remember.
"I worry about kidergarten teachers whose cloths match"
"I worry aobut artists who emphasize the word visual
I worry aobut Mexicans digging their stereotypes"
these are just a couple lines of the the poem "Dont Worry, Baby" I liked reading it, which dosnt usually happen with poems. I like the rytham and how it was repeditive and each line had a meaning and a deaper meaning inside of that. It was so well thought out and soo random at the same time. I think it combines eliments of both. these were lines that i found perticularly intresting. they sort of poke fun of society but at the same time greaving for it. Its light enough to understand and read but deep enough to remember.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
How did you get involved in rainbow hippies?
What kind of effect has it had on your’ life?
Does you’re life with the rainbow hippies contrast your’ life hugely or is it similar to you’re everyday demenor?
What is something unique about rainbow hippies and/or their gatherings?
Do you use things you have learned from other rainbow hippies in you everyday life, if so how?
Is being a rainbow hippie a way that you live your life or is it just something you do to escape society.
What attracts you to the rainbow hippy organization?
Are their specific value that rainbow hippies value if so what?
Does being a rainbow hippie interfear with your regular life, if so how?
Why do you think go got in volved in the glan?
What kind of effect has it had on your’ life?
Does you’re life with the rainbow hippies contrast your’ life hugely or is it similar to you’re everyday demenor?
What is something unique about rainbow hippies and/or their gatherings?
Do you use things you have learned from other rainbow hippies in you everyday life, if so how?
Is being a rainbow hippie a way that you live your life or is it just something you do to escape society.
What attracts you to the rainbow hippy organization?
Are their specific value that rainbow hippies value if so what?
Does being a rainbow hippie interfear with your regular life, if so how?
Why do you think go got in volved in the glan?
Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler
"You name it, we've broken throiugh the wall, against all odds, from fijoles to murales from stealin sacks of chiles to reappropriating our language and sexuatlities. Now that's American, carnal, you tel me, with your raspy voice. Amercian Originals maybe this is the kay- invewnntion, IS it possible?
I liked this becasueit question or originality and invention. Questioning it so that we wonder if any one person can realy invent so mthing, becasuse, some whare, someone(s) has done it befor us. And its alwaays the rich or well off that seem to invent things. ITs the people who hae been persecuded and that break though and question that. IS it all a hoex that whos on tom is whos on top because they deserve to be on top? Are they on top because thats where they were born and dits all a game. Because surely pople like them will never get their, they can do so many things people told them they woudl never be able to but they wotn be able to get their, right? Well these people are seeing that and questioning that, and its funny because its such and obvious little trick.
I liked this becasueit question or originality and invention. Questioning it so that we wonder if any one person can realy invent so mthing, becasuse, some whare, someone(s) has done it befor us. And its alwaays the rich or well off that seem to invent things. ITs the people who hae been persecuded and that break though and question that. IS it all a hoex that whos on tom is whos on top because they deserve to be on top? Are they on top because thats where they were born and dits all a game. Because surely pople like them will never get their, they can do so many things people told them they woudl never be able to but they wotn be able to get their, right? Well these people are seeing that and questioning that, and its funny because its such and obvious little trick.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The House on Mango Street
"There. I had to look to where she pointed- the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There I lived there I nodded." (748)
I liekd this quote becasue i shows the power of what other people can do to you. this lady jsut said somthng to her in passing not thinking twice about it but it meant so much to her that she rethought the words over and over and over agian. Not only does this show the power of somones words to the person but also it makes the point that people should be consiocus of their own words. Becasue "that house" didn't mean anything to her but it meant everyhting to the girl.
I liekd this quote becasue i shows the power of what other people can do to you. this lady jsut said somthng to her in passing not thinking twice about it but it meant so much to her that she rethought the words over and over and over agian. Not only does this show the power of somones words to the person but also it makes the point that people should be consiocus of their own words. Becasue "that house" didn't mean anything to her but it meant everyhting to the girl.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
"I am the man who watches the baseball game in silence in an empty stadium. I see the dame purely. I'm abstacted and dazed when its all over and the white suited players lope off the green fields to their shadowed dugouts, I leap to my feel, I cheer and Cheer" (705)
Here she is refffering to the other kind of seeing which is far more pure. And reminds me of jsut being completeely and totally present. In this quote she is describing a moment when you are soo presnt that nothing else matters. Nothing at all only the moment and only the abstaction of it just exactly how it works as is, no string attached just whats their. The beuty and simplicity of it, not the amospher of it but jsut it and the beauty of it in its sweet simplicty.
Here she is refffering to the other kind of seeing which is far more pure. And reminds me of jsut being completeely and totally present. In this quote she is describing a moment when you are soo presnt that nothing else matters. Nothing at all only the moment and only the abstaction of it just exactly how it works as is, no string attached just whats their. The beuty and simplicity of it, not the amospher of it but jsut it and the beauty of it in its sweet simplicty.
"I couldn't unpeach the peaches. Nor can I rember ever having seen wihtout understand" (703)
I like this quote because she is tlaking about seeing in a way that n o one does, seeing without getting it, just seeing for what it is, for shaps and dept and object and color. But we cant do that because we have learned things for what they are and what they mean and what they are for. We look at the science meaning of it, the mathmatic meaning of it, the language for it. But we dont really look at it. Do we? we see it for what it does.... not for what it is. We see it for the ripple effect it has, for what it will mean to us. But we never see it for just it. Becasue thats not what we have been taugh and thats not what we have learned. And we simply cant unlearn it.
I like this quote because she is tlaking about seeing in a way that n o one does, seeing without getting it, just seeing for what it is, for shaps and dept and object and color. But we cant do that because we have learned things for what they are and what they mean and what they are for. We look at the science meaning of it, the mathmatic meaning of it, the language for it. But we dont really look at it. Do we? we see it for what it does.... not for what it is. We see it for the ripple effect it has, for what it will mean to us. But we never see it for just it. Becasue thats not what we have been taugh and thats not what we have learned. And we simply cant unlearn it.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
"seeing" Annie Dillard
"Untill one by one, by the blindest of leaps, we light on the road to these places we must stumblew in the darkness and hunger." (700)
This quote is similar to the other quote i picked out and i liked it because it talks about how we are blind but we still blindly try to find out way making leaps as we try to light our road for our fellow human beings. Stuff like trying to figure out, who we are why were are hear and whare we came from. We know essentially nothing, or very very little when put into context and while we think its alot, in reality it isnt at all compared to everything we dont know. But we still try even though we may never light the way.
This quote is similar to the other quote i picked out and i liked it because it talks about how we are blind but we still blindly try to find out way making leaps as we try to light our road for our fellow human beings. Stuff like trying to figure out, who we are why were are hear and whare we came from. We know essentially nothing, or very very little when put into context and while we think its alot, in reality it isnt at all compared to everything we dont know. But we still try even though we may never light the way.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
"seeing" Annie Dillard
"After Thousands of years we're still strangers to darkness fearful aliens in an enemy camp with our arms crossed over our chests," (697)
I liked this guote becasue it adressexs all the things we dont know which are things that are never really adddresed. We always talk about new leaps in sciences and new things we have discovered but in the greate sceme of things we are still caught up in the dark and dosnt really know what were doing in the world or much about the world. And Annie Dillard just straigh out says that, we really dont knwo that much and we probably will never know everything that their is in the world but we are making liitle leaps ever day nothing huge we are still walking blindly in a wold or darkness.
I liked this guote becasue it adressexs all the things we dont know which are things that are never really adddresed. We always talk about new leaps in sciences and new things we have discovered but in the greate sceme of things we are still caught up in the dark and dosnt really know what were doing in the world or much about the world. And Annie Dillard just straigh out says that, we really dont knwo that much and we probably will never know everything that their is in the world but we are making liitle leaps ever day nothing huge we are still walking blindly in a wold or darkness.
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