Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler

"You name it, we've broken throiugh the wall, against all odds, from fijoles to murales from stealin sacks of chiles to reappropriating our language and sexuatlities. Now that's American, carnal, you tel me, with your raspy voice. Amercian Originals maybe this is the kay- invewnntion, IS it possible?


I liked this becasueit question or originality and invention. Questioning it so that we wonder if any one person can realy invent so mthing, becasuse, some whare, someone(s) has done it befor us. And its alwaays the rich or well off that seem to invent things. ITs the people who hae been persecuded and that break though and question that. IS it all a hoex that whos on tom is whos on top because they deserve to be on top? Are they on top because thats where they were born and dits all a game. Because surely pople like them will never get their, they can do so many things people told them they woudl never be able to but they wotn be able to get their, right? Well these people are seeing that and questioning that, and its funny because its such and obvious little trick.

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