Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The House on Mango Street

"There. I had to look to where she pointed- the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There I lived there I nodded." (748)
I liekd this quote becasue i shows the power of what other people can do to you. this lady jsut said somthng to her in passing not thinking twice about it but it meant so much to her that she rethought the words over and over and over agian. Not only does this show the power of somones words to the person but also it makes the point that people should be consiocus of their own words. Becasue "that house" didn't mean anything to her but it meant everyhting to the girl.

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